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Established in January 2002, PubAffairs is the premier network and leading resource for the public affairs, government relations, policy and communications industry.

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Training & Professional
Courses Calendar

< February 2025 >
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This course provides attendees with the skills to put together and run a successful campaign and engaging with political decision makers.

Who should attend

Consultants and in-house lobbyists who want to improve their public affairs and campaigning skills.

Attendees will learn how to:

  • Set realistic objectives for your campaign
  • Draw up a campaign grid
  • Identify the key influencers
  • Identify appropriate parliamentary and political mechanisms
  • Communicate with key influencers
  • Create effective and innovative tactics and initiatives
  • Evaluate the impact of your campaign


Attendees will receive a copy of the course presentation.


Sheila Gunn has worked on public affairs for the strategic communications consultancy Fleishman-Hillard for six years, fought a parliamentary seat in the last general election and has served as a local councillor.  For 12 years, she was a political journalist on The Times before becoming personal press spokesman for the then Prime Minister, John Major.

More Information & Course Enquiries

For more information about the event, delegate fees and to book your place please visit our website.

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