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Too busy watching knife-edge Parliamentary votes to focus on Twitter? Fear not, here’s our round-up of the best of what you might have missed on health…

  • How do we get what we pay for? Read our new report on making the most of the opportunity created by the NHS long-term plan.
  • It is right to celebrate #NHS70, but there is a risk of false sentimentality. Pride needs to be channelled into improvements, not nostalgia argues our @sarahewinstone.
  • In order to succeed, the NHS long term plan will need to build some consent for disruption. Read our @MBirty’s thoughts. 
  • MPs have spent nearly 2 days just going through the process of voting in the last year. 
  • The potential (and the emphasis is on potential) value of different types of AI applications in health.
  • Differences in population age structure across Europe.
  • The decision to increase NHS spending has been made, but the tough choices remain (via @OBR_UK).
  • ICYMI – important interview by @Davewwest with Simon Stevens.
  • Given the content of the speech, surely these should have been written on an iPad instead of a flipchart?
  • Over 750k people took place in NIHR research in 2017/18 (via @SDenegri).
  • Oops! A healthy vending machine trial actually shifted people towards buying sugary snacks #allresearchfindingsareimportant
  • What is it like becoming Secretary of State for Health (and Social Care)? @jtweeterson takes a peek in Matt Hancock’s diary
  • While the new SoS for Health and Social Care was making the case for technology in his first speech, one of his cabinet colleagues was rowing back on gizmos of a different sort…
  • Mr Bounce benefits from #socialprescribing

And finally… 

  • As the academic year draws to a close…should you REALLY ask that question in a meeting?