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Established in January 2002, PubAffairs is the premier network and leading resource for the public affairs, government relations, policy and communications industry.

The PubAffairs network numbers over 4,000 members and is free to join. PubAffairs operates a general e-Newsletter, as well as a number of other specific group e-Newsletters which are also available to join by completing our registration form.

The PubAffairs e-Newsletters are used to keep members informed about upcoming PubAffairs events and networking opportunities, job vacancies, public affairs news, training courses, stakeholder events, publications, discount offers and other pieces of useful information related to the public affairs and communications industry.

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We were moving office, but we still didn’t take our eye off Twitter. Here is some of the best of what we spotted.

  • The 16 most bizarre ICD10 codes. There are some true gems in here.
  • What PROMs don’t tell us about hernia repair.
  • Hospital spending starts to rise when people hit 50.
  • An extreme peril of eating too quickly.
  • Appealing to which electorate? The challenge facing the labour leadership candidates will only keep growing...
  • People living with dementia around the world - now and in the future (pictured).
  • “A porter gently persuaded a mother to let go of her dead baby”. The power of storytelling in improving staff wellbeing and patient care.

From America:

  • A hospital found the ROI of an iPad was 9 days, so why isn’t more technology adopted faster?
  • A back to school tweet: in 25 US states lice are becoming genetically resistant to routine treatment.
  • Go west! How the mean centre of population has shifted in the USA since 1790.
  • An obituary of Oliver Sacks, a doctor who humanised medicine and demystified the brain.

And finally...

  • We’ve moved office! Here’s how you can find our new home.

In an NHS environment that is noisy, changing rapidly and where decision-makers are under intense pressure, policy communications need to be incisive to make an impact. Incisive Health knows how to cut through the noise and competing priorities to deliver results that enhance our clients' businesses and reputations and - ultimately - improve healthcare for patients.