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Established in January 2002, PubAffairs is the premier network and leading resource for the public affairs, government relations, policy and communications industry.

The PubAffairs network numbers over 4,000 members and is free to join. PubAffairs operates a general e-Newsletter, as well as a number of other specific group e-Newsletters which are also available to join by completing our registration form.

The PubAffairs e-Newsletters are used to keep members informed about upcoming PubAffairs events and networking opportunities, job vacancies, public affairs news, training courses, stakeholder events, publications, discount offers and other pieces of useful information related to the public affairs and communications industry.

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Could you be our new Delivery Team Senior Manager?

This is a temporary role to provide senior programme and people management for our delivery team at the British Institute of Human Rights (BIHR). This role is fixed term during our Head of Policy and Programme’s maternity leave. BIHR is made up of a talented and experienced Delivery Team who are Human Rights Act (HRA) practice specialists. For this post we are looking for an excellent manager, committed to supporting a small, busy, expert team to deliver Human Rights Act (HRA) practice, communications and policy work.

Your operational management and strategic thinking are the primary skills and experience needed. You do not need to be a subject expert in the HRA; that is the job of our Delivery Team. You must however, like all of BIHR’s team, be a champion for our work and bring the skills, knowledge and experience needed to support our team in the planning and delivery of BIHR’s objectives. This is an exciting role for someone with established management experience in the charity/voluntary sector, with a keen interest in UK human rights.


Initially 10 months, potentially up to 12 months, fixed term contract.

Line Manages:

  • Programmes and Policy Lead x 1
  • Senior Human Rights Officers x 2
  • Human Rights Officers x 2
  • Communications & Public Affairs Officer x 1

Closing date

Applications for this post closed 12:00pm on Thursday 11th July 2024